How Strong Is Your Password?

In today's day in age, your passwords are your keys to your digital front door. You want to ensure that they are strong and hard to crack or hacked. Below are some tips to follow to ensure your password(s) are strong and make it hard for the hackers to penetrate. 

1. Your password should include the following:

-Uppercase letters and lowercase letters intermixed. 
ex. PaSsWoRD

-Numbers should always be included. Having the numbers included in the word itself makes the password even stronger (not just at the end or beginning)
ex. PaSs1W0Rd

-Special Characters add an even better layer of protection.
ex. P@Ss1W0Rd#

2. NEVER use the same password for all of your logins. If someone gets or cracks your password, they now have access to all your logins. 

3. Your email(s) password should NEVER be used on any other logins. This password should be the most complicated one made. If a hacker gains access to your email, they pretty much have taken over your digital life (as in most logins require your email to be connected to it in case you "forget your password"). 

To have a full review of your Personal CyberSecurity (including social media access, email, PC/Mac, mobile device, etc), set up a consultation with our team today!