Data Breach Leaks More Than 700 million Emails And Passwords

Have you changed your password to your email lately? Today might be a good day to do it.  It has been reported that 700 million emails and passwords have been leaked from an unprotected server used for spamming. Up to date, it is being considered one of the largest data breaches ever. 

Keep yourself protected by changed your email password now. CyberSec Industries recommends changing your password every quarter. Data breaches happen so often these days that changing your password quarterly would be keeping you ahead of the game.  We also recommend having a Password Manager help with this. Contact us for further info and for advice/tips on how to keep yourself further protected. 

Click the link below to learn more of this massive breach (Provided by Alex Hern, The Guardian)

Spambot leaks more than 700m email addresses in massive data breach