Netflix Users Beware-There's a Scam After Your Credit Card Info

This phishing scam aims to trick Netflix users into revealing their credit card details to pilfer money, as well as use stolen credentials to hack into other online services or sell that data on the dark web.

The phishing attack starts with a Netflix branded email asking users to update their account details and has a link to direct them to a spoofed landing page asking for their email address and password. Once that has been entered the page then directs them to another page asking for them to update their credit card details, all while looking like a genuine Netflix page.
After that stage a message pops up congratulating the scammed users for updating their account, and presents a button for them to use to get back to a legitimate Netflix page; in reality they have unwittingly handed over their Netflix login credentials and credit card information.


As you see in the picture above, the email address that the email is sent from is NOT from Netflix. It’s always advised to check the email address of any email being set to you that asks for login details and to avoid clicking on any links that have the slightest hint of being dodgy about them. 

For more information about how to stay protected from phishing scams as such, contact us directly.