Major WiFi Flaw Hacks All WiFi Networks And Devices

Two security researchers have discovered a massive flaw in WiFi that affects just about every device we own.

The flaw relates to a security protocol called WPA2 that is designed to prevent outsiders from accessing our home WiFi networks and spying on us, or hacking into any connected devices.

Now that the vulnerability is out in the open it’s only a matter of days or weeks before companies start pushing out updates, but it’s a huge job and because it affects just about every gadget we use it’s going to be up to us as much as it is them to plug the holes and protect ourselves.

So what can you do immediately? Make sure that all your devices are up to date, and that means all your devices including routers, TVs, mobile phones, any smart home equipment you might have.

Apple, Google, and other major tech companies are rushing to get the patch to this flaw out as quickly as possible. Be on the look out for updates to your devices. Once you see that an update is avaible, update your device immidatly.