Dark Web Audit


About The Dark Web

The Dark Web, aka The Darknet, is the part of the internet that most users don't have access to or know how to access. This area of the web is where most of your personal information could end up during a companies breach (such as Yahoo, Dropbox, or Equifax's hacks). Many hackers sell and trade info such as email addresses, social security numbers, driver license numbers, and other pieces of information used for spamming and identity theft. 

The most common information sold on the Dark Web is email addresses and passwords. A potential breach of your email can cause major issues including theft of credit card numbers,  personal information, access to all your favorite accounts, and hijacking of social media accounts (both personal and business). 

How do you know if you've been affected?

Keep yourself safe by having a Dark Web Audit performed on your email address. Our Dark Web Audit checks areas in the deepest parts of the dark web to see if your email address has been compromised. 

Once the audit is completed, a CyberSec Industries security consultant will evaluate your results. Depending on the results, our consultant will provide recommendations for securing your email address.