Malicious Ad Blockers Found in Chrome Store

If you have installed any of the below-mentioned Ad blocker extension in your Chrome browser, we recommend you remove it.

A security researcher has spotted five malicious ad blockers extension in the Google Chrome Store that had already been installed by at least 20 million users.

Unfortunately, malicious browser extensions are nothing new. They often have access to everything you do online and could allow its creators to steal any information victims enter into any website they visit, including passwords, web browsing history and credit card details.

Google immediately removed all of the following mentioned malicious ad blockers extension from its Chrome Store:


1. AdRemover for Google Chrome™ (10 million+ users)

2. uBlock Plus (8 million+ users)

3. [Fake] Adblock Pro (2 million+ users)

4. HD for YouTube™ (400,000+ users)

5. Webutation (30,000+ users)

CyberSec Industries also recommends that you clear your cookies on your browser if you had any of these extensions active.